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I was on a walk yesterday when I thought of this entry. I work in a library in my hometown as a shelver. In the library we have these new materials called playaways. A playaway holds one audiobook on it and looks like a MP3 player in some ways (for more go to the link attached to this post). We don't have a lot of them at the library, yet, but they're growing number. The problem is that they don't circulate alot. The patrons are still proned to check out audiobooks on CD. I thought maybe some advertising was in order. Playaways are cooler than CD audiobooks and here's why:

1. The lack of bulk. Audiobooks on CD (I'm going to just call them audiobooks from here on out even though playaways are audios as well) come in a box containing usually at least five CDs. A playaway is just a small little box. So it's more compact.

2. You need less extras. For an audiobook you need the following: A CD player, if this CD player is portable you need batteries and a headphone, if not portable you need to plug it in somewhere. The playaway kit comes with battery already included (it's true you'll eventually have to replace that battery if you own it but not if you're checking it out from the library; they inclue an extra battery at my work in case the battery already in the playaway dies). You don't need a player, the playaway is it's on player. The only extra you need is headphones and who doesn't have headphones lying around these days (if you don't have them, they are cheaper than a CD player).

3. The playaway can be used anywhere with little inconvience to you. When I got my current vechile, Sidney (yes, I name my cars), she came with a stereo system that included a CD player, radio, and an auxillary outlet. The auxillary outlet (for those who don't know) allows you to hook up audio devices very easily (like your mp3 player). About the sametime I got my car, I got a new CD player for my room. This also had an auxillary outlet. I bought a cord (which costed me $13.00) and was able to play my ipod in the car and in my bedroom without using headphones. Well, when I got into playaways I discovered I could attach those to the cord and listen in the car and in my room. I have earphones, of course, and I take the playaways on my walks. You can keep the playaway in your pocket while you walk around. It's true with an audiobook that you can play it in the car and on your CD player. You have to admit that it's inconvient to put it in your pocket, though. A portable CD player is bulkier than an audiobook.

4. No changing up CDs. You know when you're in the car and you're listening to Anne of Greene Gables on audiobook, then you hear the narrator say: "This is the end of disc five"? Changing to disc six in the middle of driving isn't always safe nor is it reccommended but you want to hear more of the story! So, you change it. It's a hassle and last week you got in a wreck because of it. Well, no more! The only exchange you'll probably have to make with a playaway is in battery when the current one dies. In my experience, to get through the whole book you only need one battery and it doesn't usually use the whole battery.

There you have it. Four reasons to use a playaway instead of an audiobook. Do I still use audiobooks? Yes. Not all books are on playaway yet. There are still more books on CD. If I have the option, though, I go with a playaway over an audiobook. Always I prefer the good old traditional hardback or paperback, though. Nothing better than curling up on my bed, couch, or favorite chair with a good old fashioned book.
-Nichole (I had to type this in myself because I can't figure out this inserting link thing they have.)

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